RTO News

A Look at the Recent Amendments to the VET-FEE Help Guidelines

From July 1, 2015, changes to the Australian Government’s VET FEE-HELP Guidelines were introduced for all new enrolments. The reforms are part of a wider improvement to the VET system, designed to help prevent deceitful providers exploiting the system and targeting vulnerable Australians. RTO Materials explores some of the key changes to the VET-FEE HELP Guidelines and how it might affect VET providers and students in Australia.

Australian VET sector geared towards making graduates job-ready

With high levels of unemployment surrounding many fields of study, the ‘job-readiness’ of those in training and education is a pressing issue on the shoulders of educators in Australia. According to a recent report from GraduateCareers.com.au, those graduating from fields such as social science, humanities and a whole host of other disciplines, are struggling to become employed in the first four months after graduating.

Implementing gamification into learning

Gamification has become a buzzword in contemporary teaching and learning techniques. The goal of gamification is to heighten student engagement and enjoyment by implementing video game design and other gaming elements into learning environments. By motivating students through something they are interested in, gamification can inspire individuals to continuing wanting to learn.

Government awards ASQA with additional $68 million to improve VET practices

It’s good news for RTOs, in a further drive to support the vocation education and training (VET) sector in Australia, the Government has announced it will provide extra funding to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

Quality course material for the CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

At RTO Materials we appreciate that every training provider is different and has diverse requirements and goals. Consequently, we offer flexibility within the course materials we provide, designed to help your training centre deliver great results.